
If you have an elderly loved one who requires hospitalization, you expect him or her to receive top-notch care. Still, hospitals and nursing homes can be dangerous places, with patients having an increased risk of developing an infection and sustaining additional injuries.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are a leading cause of injury-associated death for adults over the age of 65. While many falls happen at home, too many others occur in hospitals, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.

What are fall-risk bracelets?

Hospitals and nursing homes usually assess each patient’s fall danger soon after admittance. If a patient has balance issues, certain medical conditions or other risk factors, you can expect a nurse to attach a fall-risk bracelet. This typically yellow wristband alerts everyone who interacts with your loved one about his or her propensity to slip, trip and fall.

How effective are fall-risk bracelets?

Because hospitals and nursing homes are busy places, everyone who works with your loved one may not know about his or her fall risk. Simply alerting care professionals to the danger helps to keep your relative safe and healthy. Therefore, fall-risk bracelets certainly reduce the number of falls in hospitals and nursing homes.

Nevertheless, fall-risk wristbands can only do so much. If workers at the hospital or nursing home do not provide a slip-free place for your loved one to walk, a catastrophic injury may be imminent. The same is true if nurses and others do not provide assistance with standing, walking and bathroom functions.

Ultimately, regardless of whether your loved one is wearing a fall-risk bracelet, he or she may be eligible for substantial financial compensation for any fall-related injuries that happen in the hospital or nursing home.