
Mistakes during surgery could cause ongoing problems and unexplainable symptoms that threaten your quality of life. Ensuring your doctor knows your expectations requires open and honest communication.

Knowing some strategies for reducing your risks of surgical errors can help you effectively prepare for your operation.

Understand anesthesia

Given the complexity and invasiveness of many surgeries, you will most likely need anesthesia. This helpful drug can vastly reduce the pain you feel during the procedure and help you stay calm and still so the surgeon can work effectively. However, an allergic reaction to anesthesia or improper administering of it can badly injure you. Talk to your surgeon about anesthesia and who will administer it.

Ask for vigilance

A common surgical error is when surgeons fail to recognize other health problems during a procedure. Prior to your operation, talk to your doctor about your expectations. Ask that they observe your condition with vigilance. Make sure you know what they will watch for during surgery and what the protocol will be if they find other time-sensitive issues during the operation.

Communicate openly

Learn everything you can about the procedure you will get. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, favor a hospital where staff has experience completing the surgery you need. Look at the reviews for the surgeon who will perform your operation. Communicate regularly and openly with your surgical team. Inform them of your concerns and make sure they know the outcome you expect.

Surgical errors can alter your life and could threaten your life expectancy. Taking an active approach to advocating for your needs may better protect you from preventable harm.