Meningitis is a severe infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord that requires immediate attention and can be life-threatening. It can be either viral or bacterial, and when bacterial, it is sometimes the result of medical malpractice. For example, consulting with an experienced medical malpractice attorney is...
Suppose you or a loved one was harmed by a medical professional or facility’s negligence concerning surgery. In that case, you may have a surgical medical malpractice claim, which could provide you with compensation that covers your attendant losses. Proving the medical provider’s fault involves legal intricacies that are best...
If you think you may have been injured by the medical care you received from your doctor, it puts you in a challenging position. To begin, you count on the medical attention your doctor provides to restore your health, and suffering additional losses instead can leave you unsure of where...
If a physician ignores certain symptoms you are experiencing or orders the wrong test, you may be the victim of a misdiagnosis. It is estimated that misdiagnoses account for roughly 371,000 fatalities, and 424,000 patients become permanently disabled each year. If you were misdiagnosed, our Harrisburg medical malpractice lawyers want...
We hear the term “high-risk pregnancy” often, but do you know what it means? A high-risk pregnancy is any pregnancy in which you or your baby are at risk of developing a range of health conditions. A physician handling a high-risk pregnancy will need to remain diligent in monitoring and...
If you are experiencing unusual symptoms and you make an appointment to see your primary care doctor, you hope not to have your ailments dismissed. Alternatively, if you visit the emergency room, you hope that the physician will examine you completely and listen to your concerns. Sadly, there are over...
Every medical malpractice case is unique, resulting in each lawsuit taking different lengths of time to settle. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is no stranger to medical negligence, with 874 reports of malpractice being filed against practitioners in 2023. When a patient files a malpractice claim, an investigation will be conducted...
We place our trust in the hands of medical professionals each visit. Although medical professionals and hospitals have a duty to provide exceptional care, errors can and do occur. If you have been the victim of hospital negligence, our Harrisburg medical malpractice lawyers can help you recover maximum compensation for...
If a physician advises you to have surgery, you must determine whether surgery is in your best interest. Before you go under the knife, you will want to have a thorough understanding of the risks of the procedure, as well as the implications of choosing to skip surgery. Our Harrisburg...
If you’re the victim of medical malpractice, you’re in a particularly difficult situation. The medical professional or facility you turned to for care left you injured instead – as a result of their own negligence – which is a challenging fact. The path forward toward recovery is also likely to...
Anyone can make a mistake, and this includes medical professionals. No one is infallible, and we all recognize this fact. This said, however, we look to those in the medical field to help bolster our health and well-being, and negligence on their part can lead to devastating consequences. The law...
If you believe your loved one’s death was caused by medical malpractice, you may feel like you’re in no condition to make important decisions, but requesting an autopsy is an excellent plan. Wrongful death claims based on medical malpractice hinge on evidence, and some of the most important evidence in...
A misdiagnosis can result in physical setbacks, permanent disability, and even death. Misdiagnoses occur at a staggering rate, with an estimated 7.4 million people being misdiagnosed each year. Although the medical healthcare system is overburdened, this does not excuse the substandard care that many people receive. If you or someone...
We turn to doctors and hospitals when we’re at our most vulnerable, and we have few options other than putting our complete trust in them. If, however, you were injured – rather than helped – in the process, it can lead to devastating consequences that include challenging emotional pain and...
In 2023, Pennsylvania had 936 medical malpractice payment reports. Often, victims of medical malpractice do not realize that they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries and hardship. At Marzella and Associates, we believe that medical professionals should be held responsible for their wrongful actions. If you have suffered...
If you or someone you love has been injured by a medical professional or facility’s negligence, you can face serious consequences and immense losses. The surest path forward involves obtaining the compensation that you’re entitled to and that you need to recover. Medical malpractice claims, however, are complex, and a...
Understandably, we rely on medical professionals to make major decisions regarding our health. Even the most qualified physician is not immune to making an error. Unfortunately, the stakes in a healthcare setting are high, and errors can prove fatal. If you have been harmed due to a medical error, our...
Doctors are not immune to medical errors. Even so, you may have no idea what to do following a mistake made by a physician. You do have a legal right to compensation if a physician has caused you harm. If you have suffered an injury at the hands of a...
If you believe that your doctor’s mistake caused you injury or an adverse condition, you likely have the grounds to file a medical malpractice suit. When a physician does not meet the expected standard of care, patients have the right to take legal action. Each year, approximately 15,000-19,000 victims exercise...
We place our physical well-being in the trust of health care providers each day. With so much on the line, healthcare workers must adhere to a higher standard of care than other professionals. When a healthcare provider fails to meet the expected standard of care, the effect on a patient’s...
Approximately 7,000 prescription medications are available in the United States today. With that number, it is easy to imagine that errors can occur when medical practitioners prescribe or dispense medicines. Mistakes happen sometimes, but when that error occurs in prescription medicine, it can have devastating consequences. How can you know...
The consequences of surgical mistakes do not just appear in physical forms. They also result in mental and emotional damage to the patient. To fully understand the severity of the impact of surgical errors, it is essential to know which aspects of the patient’s life were affected. This allows for...
The rapid growth of telemedicine has changed healthcare service delivery. It provides accessible and convenient medical consultations. However, this advancement leads to concerns over how telemedicine could impact medical malpractice. Changes in communication Every year, medical misdiagnoses cause conditions that kill or disable nearly 800,000 people, according to U.S. News....
Hospitals are a place to treat your injuries and illness, not suffer further harm. Unfortunately, the lack of fall prevention in many facilities endangers 100,000 to a million inpatients every year. In addition, suffering a fall during your stay as an inpatient could cause severe injuries and delay your recovery....
Prescription drugs are meant to manage chronic conditions, treat health concerns or maintain overall well-being. However, an incorrect prescription or administration can have devastating consequences. Prescription errors harm one out of 30 patients worldwide, with over a quarter resulting in severe injuries or deaths. These medication mistakes vary depending on...
In the tapestry of healthcare, medical errors can lead to threads of consequences that linger far beyond the initial problem. The impact of these errors is not confined to the hospital room. Instead, it stretches into the lives of patients, families and communities. Patient distrust Approximately 400,000 Americans in the...
Patients stay in hospitals to get better and would never expect their condition to worsen. Unfortunately, accidents, such as patient falls, happen all the time within the premises, resulting in additional and severe injuries, such as broken bones and brain injuries, upon patients. However, no matter how common slip and...
When patients need a catheter after hospital admission, the risk of urinary tract infections is significant. Catheter care is a crucial aspect of mitigating that infection risk, but care providers can still make mistakes. There are several common catheter-care mistakes your medical care team can make that increase your risk...
No matter how much trust we put in our doctors, we cannot eliminate the possibility of them making mistakes. Nonetheless, regardless of this possibility, doctors and health care practitioners can be responsible for injuries caused by their negligence. This is where medical malpractice claims come in. Understanding first the elements...
Consent is when an individual or entity gives another party the permission or authority to do something. It differs from informed consent because the person asking for consent may not have a legal obligation to provide information that could affect the person’s decision. For example, a police officer can ask...
Unnecessary medical treatments cause concern for patients regularly. These treatments can pose long-term risks and a financial burden. Unnecessary treatments come in many forms, making it difficult to recognize them in some instances. There are a few common treatments that doctors may order unnecessarily. Unnecessary surgery You would expect a...
After an operation, it’s common to experience a daze for some time. This disorienting feeling could make the simple act of walking or standing dangerous. Ideally, someone should constantly be monitoring you after an operation, but hospital shortcomings could mean fewer resources for effective fall prevention measures. While it is...
Receiving a serious medical diagnosis can be life-altering. While you put trust in your care providers, sometimes a second opinion is beneficial. There are several benefits to seeking a second opinion. New perspectives Seeking a second opinion gives you the chance to gain a different perspective on your condition. Sometimes...
For some, a surgical error is obvious. If you go in for surgery on your right leg, but your bandages are on your left leg, the wrong-site surgical error is apparent. If your surgery was internal and you experienced a bad medical outcome, how do you know if it was...
Stress and fatigue pose significant risks in the medical field. When people do not get enough sleep due to stress or long hours, their thinking can become muddled. This can be especially dangerous in jobs where safety is crucial. For example, tired and drowsy drivers caused about 684 deaths in...
For readers of legal blogs, you likely know that if you slip and fall at a grocery store or other business, you may have a premises liability claim against the business owner. However, what if you fall at a hospital while you are receiving medical care? Is that a medical...
Advancements in the medical field have brought about many devices that help in diagnosis, treatment and improved quality of life for patients. From heart pacemakers to insulin pumps, these devices play a pivotal role in healthcare. However, like any other piece of technology, medical devices are not immune to failures....
There are surgical errors of unfathomable scale that you would think are humanly impossible. Coined by the National Quality Forum chief executive, “never events” or serious reportable events, as the name suggests, are tragic medical situations that should never have happened. Per the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, never...
Surgery is necessary for treating specific conditions, but it usually has risks. Patients may sustain injuries or die, especially if the procedure involves sensitive and vital organs. But if the patient suffers damage not because of these risks but because of the hospital staff’s negligence, the incident may result in...
The pharmaceutical industry has made great strides in developing medications to help people live longer and enjoy a better quality of life. For them to work, a person needs the correct medication and dosage. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration receives over 100,000 reports...
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a life-threatening condition where a blood clot forms in the lungs. It blocks the blood flow which may cause serious harm. Patients with PE often exhibit sudden shortness of breath, chest pain or a rapid heartbeat. While these symptoms should raise concern, they can sometimes be...
It is a harsh reality that medical errors can occur, even in the most developed healthcare systems. One such mistake is the misdiagnosis of kidney cancer. This condition is often misunderstood due to its complex nature, which can lead to delayed or inaccurate treatment. By knowing why misdiagnosis happens, you...
Prior authorization is a process that doctors have to go through to get prior approval from an insurance company to provide a service to their patients. A lot of procedures currently requiring prior authorization do not need it. Sometimes issues with this process can even cause delayed treatments and malpractice....
Anesthesia plays a vital role in surgery, allowing patients to undergo medical procedures without experiencing pain. However, errors in anesthesia administration can result in serious complications, even long-term harm. In Pennsylvania, patients affected by anesthesia errors have certain rights and options that they should be aware of. Learn what to...
When you trust a medical team and facility to help you through birth, you expect them to uphold the highest standards of care. Unfortunately, birth injuries are among the most common forms of medical malpractice, and neurological complications, such as cerebral palsy, can occur. Examples of medical malpractice that can...
When dealing with a medical issue, seeking timely treatment is crucial. Delayed treatment can lead to severe consequences, both for the individual and the healthcare system. It is important to understand the impact of delayed treatment and the need to address medical concerns promptly. Effects of delayed treatment on patients...
Mistakes during surgery could cause ongoing problems and unexplainable symptoms that threaten your quality of life. Ensuring your doctor knows your expectations requires open and honest communication. Knowing some strategies for reducing your risks of surgical errors can help you effectively prepare for your operation. Understand anesthesia Given the complexity...
Prescription errors can cost you your life. Even the slightest misstep can have a damaging outcome that jeopardizes your quality of life. Preventing such situations requires a joint effort between your health care provider, your pharmacist and yourself. Understanding the role your pharmacist plays in protecting you may give you...
Patients trust healthcare professionals to detect serious illnesses like cancer, relying on their expertise to recognize symptoms and provide timely care. Unfortunately, some medical providers may overlook critical signs and fail to diagnose cancer resulting in further harm to the patient. Missed diagnosis When a healthcare provider fails to recognize...
Considering surgery is already a serious circumstance, mistakes during the procedure could have a life-threatening impact on you. Protecting yourself from errors requires a basic knowledge of what these errors look like. Open and honest communication with your doctor can clarify expectations and build trust. Following protocols for surgical preparations...
The purpose of a prescription is to reduce the number of symptoms you experience and improve your condition. However, an error could have a reverse impact with potentially fatal consequences. While your pharmacist upholds the responsibility of carefully and accurately assigning you medication, there are also things you can do...
Increasing the efficiency of dispensing medicine is a matter that concerns pharmacies since many patients want their medicine as quickly as possible. However, pharmacists must take care that a measure such as copying old prescriptions does not cause drug errors. An article in Pharmacy Times looks at how copying an...
Medical malpractice claims require evidence to prove injury and who was responsible. Without evidence, it is their word versus yours. A jury needs detailed evidence showing what happened to rule in your favor. That makes evidence very important. However, you might not know what evidence counts in this situation. In...
Your journey through injury and recovery has been difficult, and you deserve compensation. According to Spotlight PA, the Supreme Court will soon allow medical malpractice trials in any venue in the state. This aspect may make it easier for plaintiffs to win. Unfortunately, it is not enough to claim injury...
Some surgery patients experience discomfort after an operation, which may be entirely normal. However, severe symptoms such as harsh pain or a fever could be a sign that something went wrong during the surgery, perhaps because of an item a surgeon left in the body of the patient. You should...
It is not uncommon for someone to be on multiple medications at once, even for a single condition. If you suffer an adverse reaction to drug interaction, resulting in injury or illness, because of a healthcare professional’s negligence, you may have a medical malpractice claim. When is a medical provider...
Moving a loved one into a nursing home is often a difficult but necessary decision when caring for an elderly family member becomes beyond your capabilities. While you put your trust in the nursing home to provide necessary care, you also trust that your loved one will be safe in...
The misdiagnosis of heart ailments among women has been more common than one may think. The reason behind this is that for decades scientists and medical professionals neglected to include women in numerous research studies about the human heart. With no women in these studies, researchers had no data on...
Cerebrospinal fluid fills spaces in between your brain, spinal cord and the bones surrounding it. It acts as a cushion to help reduce impact and to provide nutrients to these crucial components of the body. However, in certain traumatic accidents, it is possible for the membrane holding this fluid in...
Having to go to the emergency room is stressful, and the last thing someone wants to think about is a doctor, nurse, or other medical professional making an error that causes the person to become even more ill. There are ways to recoup damages when this occurs, however, it usually...
One of the worst ways to find out your doctor prescribed you drugs that interact poorly with each other is by taking both and experiencing the results directly. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, drug interactions make up around 2.8% of annual hospitalizations in the United States. While...
After a surgery, you may begin to notice signs of an injury or complications related to the procedure itself during the time when you should start healing. Dealing with medical malpractice when the staff at a hospital makes surgical errors can leave you feeling exhausted and in pain. One of...
People trust their doctors and other healthcare professionals to make the right decisions for their health. However, these professionals are human and are prone to making the same mistakes as everyone else. Fortunately, those in the medical field receive a lot of training to avoid errors, but they can still...
The delivery room is a place of joy unless something bad happens. It can quickly go from hope and love to uncertainty and sadness if labor or delivery goes on too long. When a doctor fails to assist the birth of a baby after a long labor, it may cause...
It can be virtually impossible to go through life feeling despondent. Still, depression is alarmingly common. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, almost 4% of the population suffers from depression. Among older adults, the number jumps to roughly 6%. Treating depression can be challenging, as not all options...
When dealing with medicine, you may assume that there are no inconsistencies when you visit the doctor and get your prescription. Medication errors can lead to many health complications, including ones that can make it hard for you to work or drive. Learning about why errors happen can help you...
According to AARP, doctors misdiagnose about 12 million adults in the United States every year. These diagnostic errors cause 40,000 to 80,000 deaths. The problem is so common that most people will have at least one missed or misdiagnosed condition in their lifetime. Some conditions are more likely to result...
When you need surgery, you are trusting a medical professional to perform an extremely delicate operation on your body. Perhaps the surgeon even claims to have a history of hundreds of similar operations, so you expect nothing to go wrong. Unfortunately, honest mistakes can happen during a surgical operation. However,...
If you have an elderly loved one who requires hospitalization, you expect him or her to receive top-notch care. Still, hospitals and nursing homes can be dangerous places, with patients having an increased risk of developing an infection and sustaining additional injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and...
If your loved one has a serious illness or life-altering injury, doctors may recommend placing him or her into a medically induced coma. This procedure is common when the body requires time to recover. It also may help doctors prevent additional injuries during treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic, doctors...
Doctors have a moral and legal responsibility to provide a high standard of care to patients. Yet, CNBC reported that medical mistakes are the third-leading cause of death in the U.S. How can a person respond in light of a doctor’s misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose a serious illness? Causes...
When you entrust yourself to a medical professional, you expect fair and diligent treatment. The last thing you want is to suffer additional harm due to an unreasonable delay in treatment. Some delays in treatment result from a doctor’s uncertainty on how to proceed, rather than blatant negligence. However, there...
If you are expecting to welcome a new baby into your family, you are probably looking forward to holding your son or daughter for the first time. You probably are not, however, ready for the discomfort that comes with labor. Fortunately, modern medicine offers anesthesia to help mitigate your pain....
A medical error may prove costly in many ways. When it comes to protecting yourself or someone, you care for, having a general idea of common malpractice issues may help. Medical negligence is an unfortunate issue throughout the state. While not all mistakes rise to malpractice, those that prove avoidable...
Drug diversion, or the act of medical professionals stealing and using prescription drugs meant for patients for themselves, is a growing problem across Pennsylvania and the rest of the nation. Theft of opioids is of particular concern. However, theft and use of any prescription drug have the potential to hurt...
When pharmacists make mistakes, the results can be tragic. Everything from minor side effects to permanent disabilities and even death can occur. Pharmacists, doctors, and patients alike want to limit the number of prescribing failures. The right preventative actions can reduce these circumstances. When they do occur, the result is...
For most people in Pennsylvania, a trip to the doctor can be a daunting proposition. What typically offers some degree of solace is that the professional treating them often has several years of clinical experience supported by extensive knowledge of their particular field. This assumption may make the idea of...
Patients and physicians both have responsibilities to contribute to an alliance based on mutual respect. Your well-being and overall health depend on both you and your doctor living up to your respective responsibilities. According to the American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics, you have certain rights as a patient....
If you or a loved one plans to undergo surgery, it is crucial that you understand the risks of both the procedure and any drugs the surgical team will use to ensure your comfort before, during and after it. One such risk is malignant hyperthermia, which is an adverse reaction...
One type of surgical error is wrong-site surgery. This is when a doctor performs a procedure on the wrong person or place on the body. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists explains there are three types of wrong-site surgical errors. Wrong-level or wrong-part Wrong level or wrong part surgical...
If your doctor recently recommended that you undergo surgery for health reasons, it is important that you fully understand the risks associated with the procedure. Though it may not cross your mind to concern yourself with the anesthesia portion of the process, you should. Thanks to advances in science, both...
Medication errors are preventable and can lead to serious potential harm. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that consumers carefully inspect prescription drugs and report concerns to their doctor or pharmacist. Medical malpractice occurs when prescription drug errors result from negligence by a health care provider. Learn more...
Giving birth to a newborn baby is often one of the most special times of parents’ lives. Unfortunately, there are times when the birth does not go to plan and an injury occurs. When this results from the negligence of a trusted medical provider, it can be extremely traumatic for...
Medical errors can result in significant harm to patients and may be responsible for causing close to 100,000 deaths in the United States annually. What kind of mistakes commonly occur and how do they happen? Misdiagnosis and more There is no single source of information about medical errors because the...
Medical procedures can seem intimidating. Often an area of your body is failing or in disrepair, and you need a solution before it gets worse. In these situations, it can seem like you do not have a choice but to get the proposed procedure. For some, knowing the details of...
Most nursing homes in operation across Pennsylvania and the rest of the United States lack adequate staff. When there are not enough staff members around to tend to residents, it has a direct impact on the quality of care residents receive. Many American nursing homes also misled the government about...
A serious illness resulting from a failed medical procedure or course of treatment is devastating for you or a family member. You may be contemplating a malpractice suit against your doctor. It’s important to have the facts about the differences between medical malpractice and a bad outcome. A bad medical...
Preparing for surgery can cause patients to feel uneasy, but especially so if they do not have adequate support from their health care provider. Because most surgeries require invasive procedures, patients can better protect their well-being when they spend adequate time preparing. Surgical infections can happen when lackluster sanitation processes...
Trusting a nursing home to care for an ailing or aging loved one full-time is a big decision. To put the entire well-being of a family member into the hands of strangers can be difficult. We want to believe that our family members will be safe in their new environment,...
If you are facing an upcoming surgery, more than likely you are a bit nervous about it. You want everything to go smoothly. You don’t want to face unexpected complications. You might not like the idea that you have to spend a few days in the hospital as you recover,...
Nursing homes provide an invaluable service both to many elderly individuals who need long-term care and to their families. Unfortunately, because of staffing shortages and other issues, residents in nursing homes do not always receive the care they need and deserve. A lack of adequate care often stems from a...
You have an upcoming medical procedure that brings you no end of anxiety. How do you avoid becoming a statistic and suffering a surgical error? OR Today provides insights into preventing mistakes during your procedure. Understand how to advocate for your health and peace of mind. Prevalent surgical mishaps One...
Most people in Pennsylvania likely understand that health care does not come with a guarantee of satisfaction. The complexity of the human body makes it nearly impossible for clinicians to be entirely confident in the outcome of any medical procedure. At the same time, however, patients do expect to receive...
Prescription errors are very common, which is unsettling because they are almost always completely avoidable. Human errors are usually the cause. According to the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, prescription errors can occur on all levels with the patient, doctor or pharmacist. Patient errors There is a potential for you...
An organization that represents Pennsylvania health care workers has asked Gov. Tom Wolf to temporarily grant them immunity in medical malpractice claims during the COVID-19 crisis. However, some personal injury attorneys have concerns about the request from the Pennsylvania Medical Society. The group urges the governor to sign an executive...
There is a common perception among the general public that robotic surgery is risky. People feel that involving artificial intelligence in a surgical procedure leaves too much room for error, and due to the involvement of robots, if an error occurs, it would be catastrophic. U.S. News and World Report...
Whether you are at home, in a shopping mall or on the street, injuries caused by falling can be severe. When the fall is caused by factors out of your control, however, the injuries might seem needless and frustrating. If the fall occurs in a hospital or other medical facility,...
A recent medical mix-up has you thinking about ways to prevent a similar mistake. If a medical crisis lands you in the emergency room, how can you help avoid a medication error? U.S. News & World Report offers several tips to help patients sidestep avoidable prescription errors. Learn how to...
You felt that the nursing home you and your family selected for your mother was one of the best in the area. However, it was alarming to learn that she suffered a misdiagnosed MRSA infection. What happens now? About MRSA The official name for MRSA is Methicillin-resistant S. aureus. It...
It sounds like a scenario that only exists in old stories: someone being declared dead only to be revived just before body preparation procedures that truly would be lethal. It is hard to imagine that someone could be incorrectly pronounced dead in this day and age. But while rare, it...
One of the most frustrating things that victims of medical malpractice and their families can experience is being left in the dark about what happened. Due to doctors’ and hospitals’ fear of litigation, they often will provide patients little or no information about the medical mistakes they committed. Traditionally, they...
When getting bad medical test results, it can be easier to hear them from a primary care physician or some other medical professional with whom you already have an established relationship. It is very common practice for testing physicians (such as lab technicians and radiologists) to communicate test results to...
In our last post, we began a discussion about a Pennsylvania man who suffered cardiac arrest and severe brain damage after being injected with a chemical meant to improve contrast in a routine MRI. He had an allergic reaction to the chemical known as gadolinium. His treatment was unacceptably delayed...
When treating patients, medical professionals typically cannot know ahead of time how individuals will respond to a treatment or drug. But if there are known serious risks with a certain drug, physicians need to warn patients about those risks and be fully ready to respond to them if they occur...
Bedsores are one of the most common signs of neglect in a nursing home. Some residents are not able to move frequently on their own. When caregivers fail to regularly rotate and adjust a resident with mobility limitations, bedsores can develop due to long-term pressure. However, families of residents might...
Medical malpractice can happen in many ways, and the treatments a patient does or does not receive may be a source of malpractice. The more informed a patient is about what kind of malpractice they can suffer from, the more likely they are to prevent an unnecessary injury or illness....
Sometimes, your doctor must read between the lines to determine how to best test, diagnose and treat patients. This is particularly true for conditions that rely on accurate self-reporting. Conditions such as fibromyalgia might not show clear evidence beyond your own personal experience, for example. However, Pennsylvania medical staff need...
The term polypharmacy refers to an individual who was prescribed more than one medication at the same time to either control a serious condition or treat numerous conditions at once. For more than 150 years, people have understood that taking numerous medicinal treatments at the same time could cause dangerous...
From a physical viewpoint, birth injuries are often very devastating. Mothers as well as their children often suffer in different ways in terms of their physical well-being as a result of injuries during childbirth. However, the emotional impact of these injuries is often devastating for mothers as well as entire...
Millions of people in Pennsylvania and throughout the nation put their lives in the hands of surgeons and other professionals when they enter the operating room. You trust that the surgical professionals performing your procedure are well-trained, detail minded and will not make a mistake. Yet, surgical errors occur more...
If you have suffered a serious injury or developed a life-threatening medical condition, you may have to undergo surgery as part of your treatment plan. In the pre-operating room, a nurse or another health care professional may ask you to sign a waiver. If your surgical procedure results in additional...
Patients in Pennsylvania should feel confident going into surgery that their surgeon is going to do everything in their power to ensure that the surgery is a success. While patients do assume the potential for some risk during many medical procedures, that does not release providers from the responsibility of...
Anesthesia is an essential tool in the operating room that allows a patient not to feel the pain that results from their surgeries. Despite the benefits of this loss of sensation, it is not without its risks. There are many forms of injuries that a patient can receive just from...
Pennsylvania surgeons and anesthesiologists are generally talented, dedicated medical professionals who routinely satisfy their oaths to do no harm. However, every surgical procedure encompasses much more than the doctors’ knowledge and skill. Success in the operating room requires a team to work together seamlessly and communicate effectively. Moreover, providers have...
Horner’s syndrome is a condition involving the sympathetic nerves of the face. These nerves run to the face from the hypothalamus in the brain via the spinal cord. Damage to the nerve fibers can interrupt their function and cause a specific set of symptoms. Though a rare condition, Horner’s syndrome...
It is vital that parties affected by malpractice or those loved ones devastated by a wrongful death seek the fair compensation owed to them. It may be a long process, but that kind of loss deserves justice. A woman who died during an outpatient spinal surgery in 2018 sees her...
Dismissal of a patient’s symptoms and failure to appropriately diagnose and treat may constitute medical malpractice. When a person experiences advanced illness and poor outcomes in this situation, the doctor may be legally negligent. Learn more about how the court evaluates medical malpractice in this type of situation. The reasonable...
When you sue your physician, pharmacist or any other professional on your health care team for medical malpractice, you must present clear and convincing evidence at trial to support your allegations. FindLaw explains that simply sustaining an injury or developing an illness soon after your hospitalization, dental procedure or prescription...
Errors are a legitimate concern for anyone taking medication. Whether it is happening at home through a prescription or during a visit to a medical facility, the risk is real. Mistakes can lead to serious complications, including the possibility of a long-term injury or even death. Just how big of...
Surgeons are often the most accomplished and gifted individuals in the medical field. Becoming a surgeon requires extensive schooling, lengthy residencies and constant dedication. As such, the surgical profession draws only the most elite candidates from across the medical world. However, surgeons are often notorious for treating patients and colleagues...
When someone has a medical procedure, there is an expectation that the provider will do the best and follow the standard of care. Unfortunately, medical errors happen, and many of them result in harm to the patient. In some cases, this error may be due to medical malpractice. According to...
Even the most experienced physician can make a mistake that has dire health consequences for the patient. When you have reservations about a diagnosis, treatment or another recommendation made by your doctor, you may consider seeing another provider for a second opinion. These are some common reasons to consult with...
Pennsylvania medical professionals work hard to ensure a safe environment for every patient. This is especially true for expecting mothers. But they are human and are as susceptible to making mistakes as anyone else. Today we will look at one type of birth injury that impacts newborn children. It is...
There is no excuse for negligent behavior in any profession. It is especially dangerous in a medical facility. No matter how busy staff members are, it is important for them to follow established protocol to ensure at least a reasonable standard of care. A study published by the U.S. National...
Many individuals feel that giving birth is one of the most exciting and meaningful experiences of their lives. However, childbirth may also be a physically traumatic experience for both the mother and the baby. Birth injuries may range from mild to severe, and some may have lasting consequences. While some...
Medical negligence occurs when a medical professional fails to take appropriate measures when dealing with a patient’s condition. As a medical practitioner, therefore, it is important to understand what constitutes medical negligence to avoid getting into trouble with the law. Here are some of the actions that fall under medical...
Every medical practitioner in Pennsylvania must take care of their patients by following a set of standard care procedures from consultation until the post-care of the patient. It is when a doctor deviates from these set practices that they conduct malpractice. A big part of medical malpractice arises due to...
It may come as no surprise to you that people can slip or fall in healthcare settings. After all, hospitals are where people go for surgeries or to recover from illnesses, and it is not easy to get up and walk while recovering. You can expect falls even more in...
When your Pennsylvania doctor assesses your symptoms, performs an exam and still cannot diagnose the issue, he or she may tell you that the condition is “all in your head.” Such a diagnosis can be both insulting and frustrating, and you may wonder what more you can do to receive...
Taking a malpractice lawsuit against a medical professional may be a very long and unexpected ride. Chances are you are entitled to receiving financial compensation, or the doctor was right, and you are wasting your time. To determine the truth behind medical malpractice, you need to get the help of...
Unfortunately, misdiagnosis is a common occurrence in the medical field. A doctor might mistake one disease or condition for another, simply because the symptoms can be similar or the same in the early stages. But other times, the symptoms you are experiencing point directly to a condition that your doctor...
You rely on healthcare professionals to care for you and provide treatment when you need it most. But unfortunately, some doctors make mistakes that can lead to serious issues. Whether you experienced a misdiagnosis that led to ongoing health problems, or you suffered a surgery error that caused added pain,...
When you have surgery, doctors put you under with anesthesia. Anesthesia makes sure you can’t feel the pain of surgery. It also keeps your body relaxed so doctors can operate without you moving. But doctors can make mistakes when giving a patient anesthesia. These mistakes can affect the brain and...