It is vital that parties affected by malpractice or those loved ones devastated by a wrongful death seek the fair compensation owed to them. It may be a long process, but that kind of loss deserves justice. A woman who died during an outpatient spinal surgery in 2018 sees her husband getting damages awarded…and then voided.
U.S. News reports how a case in Chester County may have awarded too much.
A spinal surgery debauch
Laser Spine Institute in Philadelphia attempted to appeal a $10 million award to the husband of a woman who died hours after a spinal operation in 2018. The trial attributed her death to the mix of opioids and depressants given to her during the surgery and her husband received two $10 million awards — one for the wrongful death case and another for survival damages.
Laser Spine appealed the $10 million award for survival damages to the husband. The county judge denied the plea but did void the civil settlement—ordering the state to arrange another trial to determine a more appropriate sum. Citing preceding verdicts, many similar cases did not exceed $2.5 million.
It is unclear when this next trial will happen, but Chester county will focus on the new amount Laser Spine will have to pay.
Fairness in tragedy
No amount of money can replace loved ones, but this highlights why it is important to pursue justice in every form. Holding these companies and organizations responsible for any negligence that puts patients in danger is necessary, but the courts here ruled the award did not fit the crime based on past verdicts. Anyone in a similar situation may find it useful to contact an attorney.