Bringing a new baby into the world is one of life’s greatest joys, but if you’re concerned that your child may have been injured in the process, it puts a considerable amount of stress on you that can be difficult to overcome. Because your child’s health and well-being are paramount, discussing your situation with an experienced Harrisburg birth injury attorney early is in your best interests.
About Birth Injuries
Any harm or damage your baby suffers during the labor and delivery process is considered a birth injury. These injuries can range from very minor bruising, which isn’t uncommon, all the way to life-altering neurological impairments. Birth injuries are often associated with medical errors on the part of attending medical professionals. Still, mistakes of this kind are only categorized as medical malpractice if the doctor performs outside the standards accepted by the medical profession.
This means that malpractice is unlikely to apply if your doctor only makes a mistake. If your attending doctor did something their peers wouldn’t have done under similar circumstances or failed to do something that their peers would have, you may have a valid medical malpractice claim.
Signs and Symptoms
Birth injuries can be immediately apparent at birth, but their symptoms can also develop over time. Some of the signs and symptoms that can be indicative of birth injuries in children who are up to a year old include:
- Having low oxygen levels
- Exhibiting an over-sensitivity to light
- Arching the back while crying
- Drooling excessively
- Having difficulty suckling or swallowing
- Clawing of one or both hands
- Grunting, crying in a high-pitched manner, or being fussy generally
- Exhibiting stiffness or looseness in the muscles
- Having weak or absent reflexes
In children who are from one to two years old, each of the following signs and symptoms can point to a birth injury:
- Problems eating, drinking from a cup, or grasping utensils
- Failure to speak or speech delays
- Difficulty crawling or walking
- Lack of muscle control or muscle spasms
- Failure to look in the direction of loud noises
- Lack of coordination
- Inability to pass small objects back and forth from hand to hand
- The need for assistance when sitting, standing, walking, or crawling
None of the above are foolproof in the sense that they always relate to birth injuries, and none prove that there’s an absolute problem. Children develop at their own pace, and every birth injury is unique to the child and the circumstances involved. Consulting with a knowledgeable pediatrician before jumping to conclusions is always advised if you have concerns about your child’s health and well-being.
Turn to an Experienced Harrisburg Birth Injury Attorney for the Help You Need
The compassionate Harrisburg birth injury attorneys at Marzella & Associates appreciate the gravity of your situation if your child has suffered a significant birth injury, and we will leave no stone unturned in our focused pursuit of your just compensation. Learn more by contacting us online or calling us at 717-876-8681 and scheduling a free consultation today.